For the latest high power and high reliability automobiles, highly reliable automobile components are required. For ensuring this high reliability Digital Radiography is a proven inspection method.
Why Automobile Component Manufacturers Need
Digital Radiography?
In India, improved roadways and consumer’s affordability have been most important triggers for purchasing high power automobiles. Better performance and very high reliability have become hygiene factors for any automobile. On top of this government regulations like BS6 is expecting reduced weight of automobile.
Thus, the manufacture has been challenged on two key factors:
The above two factors require upgraded equipment to inspect the manufactured automobile components. Digital Radiography is convenient, fast, cost-effective method to achieve 100% inspection of the automobile components.
One of the proven and reliable method for identifying internal defects is Digital Radiography (DR). Digital Radiography is an advanced form of inspection which provides image instantly on computer. Digital Radiography non-destructive testing (NDT) instrument has strong penetration and can quickly detect internal defects. Digital Radiography is a versatile method for inspection of castings, plastics, cast wheels, engine components, tires, airbags, fuel injectors, brakes, and automobile components. Digital Radiography allows testing at high speeds, ensuring quality without slowing the manufacturing line. Some sample images of digital radiography inspection are shown below.
Very minute Internal defects are clearly visible to the naked eye. Apart from this digital radiography offers many defects enhancement tools, defect measurement tools, and defect classification tools.
For the latest high power and high reliability automobiles, highly reliable automobile components are required. For ensuring this high reliability Digital Radiography is a proven inspection method.
Karma Innovations is the pioneer indigenous manufacturer of Digital Radiography Equipment. Karma’s machines are the first and only Made-In-India Digital Radiography Self-Shielded Systems approved by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB). Karma Innovations benchmarks its equipment quality the leading manufacturers in the world, yet the equipment is available at affordable prices for you. Being a manufacturer, Karma Innovations has the capability to customize the equipment to suit the specific requirements of Automobile component manufacturer. Karma Innovations’ equipment is very user friendly and convenient, fast, and cost-effective method to achieve 100% inspection of products.
In case of any need inspection equipment please feel free to call (+91-98942-57406) / or mail us at (
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