Why Digital Radiography Inspection System
As a CEO of your dream manufacturing unit here are the 5 signs of why you should invest in digital radiography.
Manufacturing critical parts accrues greater revenue naturally. Manufacturers’ dream of producing critical safety components can come true with support of digital radiography. Strict regulatory and safety standards while producing critical parts can be achieved by superior inspection using digital radiography. Internal defects such as porosities and blow holes in castings; and missing components or errors in assemblies can be detected and eliminated using digital radiography. Digital radiography can inspect high volume (100% INSPECTION OF MANUFACTURED COMPONENTS) safety critical components at low inspection cost.
Time taken to analyze defects is extremely high in traditional product development. Destructive method such as cutting sample components is not a fool proof method to check for internal defects. The reasons being: The cutting blade by itself might take away the defects.Defects might exist just below the cut area.These limitations are overcome by introducing Digital radiography methods. Digital radiography method reduces Product development time by identifying internal defects instantly on computers. Immediate proofing/evidence gains customer confidence significantly. Which in turn ensures additional orders considering the manufacturer a better vendor.
Industries have their own benchmark for acceptable quantum of rejections. Using digital radiography, the root cause for the internal defects can be quickly identified. The machine setting fine tuning can be done with feedback on internal quality (pores, blow holes, shrinkage) which can be provided within minutes. This will ensure minimum number of rejections.
In the absence of in-house digital radiography equipment, manufacturers may be waiting for test reports to continue further manufacturing processes. The castings or sub-assemblies must wait for the reports. It is not just the parts waiting for inspection but a pile of money which is stagnant. In-house digital radiography machines ensure smooth flow of material in the manufacturing process. Inventory pending for inspection can be reduced significantly by introducing digital radiography equipment.
Today for automobile components, it is expected that the test reports and their evidence should be retained till the lifetime of the automobile. Retrieval of stored data is impossible in former technology like film-based radiography. With the implementation of digital radiography backup happens automatically. Images archived can be viewed at maximum resolution and quality in minimal retrieval time. OEM norms of holding test reports for five to ten years can be achieved using digital radiography techniques at the least cost.
SUMMARY: This article discusses five signs of why the CEO of an automobile component manufacturing company should consider procuring a Digital Radiography Inspection System. The five signs are:
We at Karma Innovations believe that even if you have any one of these signs you must proceed with digital radiography.
Karma Innovations is the pioneer indigenous manufacturer of Digital Radiography Equipment. Karma’s machines are the first and only Made-In-India Digital Radiography Self-Shielded Systems approved by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB). Karma Innovations benchmarks its equipment quality with the leading manufacturers in the world, yet the equipment is available at affordable prices for you. Being a manufacturer, Karma Innovations has the capability to customize the equipment to suit the specific requirements of Automobile component manufacturers. Karma Innovations’ Equipment is very user friendly and convenient, fast, and cost-effective method to achieve 100% inspection of products.
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